What is the advantage of using short glass fiber

Using the advantages of short glass fiber, fiber length of high precision, high fiber, monofilament joint diameter, fiber before mar adhere to section shape has excellent liquidity, because is inorganic, so there's no static, high temperature resistant, pull in the goods is common, can form a three-dimensional network structure, so that the product has excellent capricious and zhang, high impact strength, fiber in the length of each corners dysfunctional common goods, so the tensile strength of commodity is common. And glass fiber powder can't do it, because it is technology, there can be no assurance that the length of the fiber, has long have short, there are powder, because be scraps, during which the impurities, monofilament diameter not ensure that fiber have thick have thin, so after increase in commodity, strength can't ensure that all corners of the strength value is different, also easily mixed up.
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